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About Us

Mitsubishi Motors Exclusive Distributor in Malaysia

Mitsubishi Corporation formed Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia on 29 January 2005, acting as the country’s distributor of Mitsubishi Motors vehicles. Besides being a distributor, Mitsubishi Motors Malaysia strives to develop a vibrant society by realizing the potential of mobility.

The company was formed by Mitsubishi Corporation who owns 52% of share, and Edaran Otomobil National (EON) Berhad who owns 48% share with a paid up capital of RM60 million.

Our Vision

Customer Satisfaction

Provide new experiences for our customers with innovative products and service excellence.

Sustainable Impact

Make positive contributions to the sustainable development of our society.

Building Trust

Act sincerely as a trusted company.

Corporate Video

With an Ambition To Explore, Mitsubishi Motors can go everywhere.
With Drive Your Ambition, Mitsubishi Motors drivers can go anywhere.

Corporate Principles

Bring Positive Impacts To The World

Corporate Responsibility To Society

Contribute to creating a vibrant and sustainable society through our business activities, while preserving the global environment.

Integrity and Fairness

Conduct business with integrity and fairness while maintaining principles of transparency and openness.

International Understanding Through Trade

Grow and expand business based on a global perspective.